博士の学位取得の際に提出される学位論文の中から学問的・社会的また有用性の点からも優れた論文として,山口貴浩特任助教の博士論文「Automatic 3-D Localization of Utility Pipes and Void from Ground Penetrating Radar Signals by Deep Learning and Digital Signal Processing(邦題:地中レーダー信号の深層学習と解析学的信号処理による埋設管・空洞の三次元位置推定)」(主査:水谷司准教授)が認められ,公益財団法人前田記念工学振興財団の令和4年度「前田工学賞(i-Construction分野)」を受賞しました.
A doctoral dissertation by Takahiro Yamaguchi (Research Assistant Professor from our research group, as of today) “Automatic 3-D Localization of Utility Pipes and Void from Ground Penetrating Radar Signals by Deep Learning and Digital Signal Processing” (Lead Reviewer: Associate Professor Tsukasa Mizutani) was selected as an excellent thesis in terms of society and usefulness, and was awarded in Maeda Engineering Award (i-Construction field) 2022.