本研究室の山口貴裕特任助教、水谷司准教授らの論文がインパクトファクター3.784のジャーナルIEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing. に掲載されました。Early Accessでのリンクを掲載します。
We announce that a new paper by Project Assistant Professor Tahahiro YAMAGUCHI and Associate Professor Tsukasa MIZUTANI from our laboratory was published in the following journal with IF: 3.784. The link of Early Access to the paper is here.
T. Yamaguchi, T. Mizutani, K. Meguro and T. Hirano, “Detecting Subsurface Voids from GPR Images by 3-D Convolutional Neural Network using 2-D Finite Difference Time Domain Method,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing, 2022.(IF: 3.784)