この度水谷准教授らの研究コンソーシアムが官民研究開発投資拡大プログラム(PRISM)において開発したiPhone LiDARの応用技術が建設現場の生産性を向上する革新的技術としてA評価(最高評価)を取得しました.
1. 対象技術
2. 応募コンソーシアム
3. 試行工事名
4. 評価結果
総合評価 A
A: 試行は十分な成果があり、技術の導入効果や社会実装の実現性について高く評価できる
B: 試行は一定の成果があり、技術の社会実装に向け今後の技術開発が期待される
C: 試行は一定の成果があるが、技術の社会実装には更なる技術開発や課題解決が必要
D: 試行に成果があったとは言い難い
国土交通省では、建設現場の生産性向上を目指すi-Constructionと、統合イノベーション戦略(H30.6.15閣議決定) を受け、平成30年度より「建設現場の生産性を飛躍的に向上するための革新的技術の導入・活用に関するプロジェクト」に取り組んでいます。
官民研究開発投資拡大プログラム(PRISM)は、平成28 年12 月に総合科学技術・イノベーション会議と経済財政諮問会議が合同で取りまとめた「科学技術イノベーション官民投資拡大イニシアティブ」に基づき、600 兆円経済の実現に向けた最大のエンジンである科学技術イノベーションの創出に向け、官民の研究開発投資の拡大等を目指して、平成30 年度に創設された制度です。
“iPhone LiDAR Technology Developed by Associate Professor Mizutani’s Consortium Receives Top ‘A’ Rating in PRISM for Transforming Construction Productivity
The innovative iPhone LiDAR application technology developed by a research consortium led by Associate Professor Mizutani has been awarded the highest rating ‘A’ in the Government-Private Research and Development Investment Expansion Program (PRISM). This is a testament to the technology’s ability to substantially boost productivity in construction sites.
Evaluation of Trial Results for the Project on the Introduction and Utilization of Innovative Technologies to Dramatically Improve Productivity at Construction Sites:
- Target Technology Technology II: Advanced quality control in civil engineering construction using data
- Applicant Consortium Taisei Rotec Corporation, University of Tokyo, M-Soft Corporation
- Trial Construction Name R3 National Highway No. 6 Sumiyoshi Town Utility Tunnel Construction
- Evaluation Result Overall Evaluation A
A: The trial has achieved significant results and the effectiveness of technology introduction and the feasibility of social implementation are highly evaluated. B: The trial has achieved some results and future technology development is expected for social implementation. C: The trial has achieved some results, but further technology development and problem solving are required for social implementation. D: It is hard to say that the trial has achieved results.
The followings is excerpted from this link: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has been working on the “Project on the Introduction and Utilization of Innovative Technologies to Dramatically Improve Productivity at Construction Sites” since FY 2018, aiming to improve productivity at construction sites in line with i-Construction and the Integrated Innovation Strategy (Cabinet decision on June 15, 2018).
The followings is excerpted from this link: The Government-Private Research and Development Investment Expansion Program (PRISM) was established in FY 2018 based on the “Science, Technology and Innovation Government-Private Investment Expansion Initiative” compiled jointly by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation and the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy in December 2016, aiming to expand government-private R&D investment, which is the biggest engine for achieving a 600 trillion yen economy.”