水谷准教授らの研究コンソーシアム(大成ロテック株式会社 建設事業本部技術部,株式会社エム・ソフト)が開発した技術が”土木学会建設マネジメント委員会グッドプラクティス賞”受賞しました.
1.開催日時 令和 5 年 8 月 2 日(水)午後(13 時~14 時を予定)
2.開催方法 土木学会講堂での対面とオンライン(Zoom)の併用
Technology developed by a research consortium led by Associate Professor Mizutani (Engineering Department, Construction Division, Taisei Rotec Corporation and Emurasoft Corporation) received the “JSCE Construction Management Committee Good Practice Award
Awarded theme: “Trial of Construction Progress Management System by Mobile Terminal for Electric Cable Joint Trench Construction”
The following is an excerpt of the content of this link
The Construction Management Committee of JSCE recognizes the achievements of individuals and organizations that have contributed to the field of construction management in order to contribute to the academic, technical, and practical development of the field. Papers and reports published in JSCE Transactions F4 (Construction Management) and presentations at events organized by the Construction Management Committee are eligible.
The Good Practice Award is given to ambitious efforts in construction management practice that are highly original and ingenious and that are recognized as contributing to the development of construction management. These initiatives include, for example, management methods such as project execution methods, bidding and contracting methods, on-site management activities (PM, CM, etc.), activities to improve organizational execution capability, and other activities that have been completed in recent years or are currently underway.
The award ceremony will be held at the following date and place. 1.
August 2, 2023 (Wednesday) in the afternoon (scheduled from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
In-person and online (Zoom) at the JSCE auditorium