「本プログラムでは、理想の未来を描き、その実現を目指して時には自ら先頭に立ち、時には各分野の卓越したリーダー達の力を引き出して、イノベーションを実現するための関係者との協創と、その社会実装を実現できる高度な知のプロフェッショナル人材を育成します。」 (WINGS CFS ホームページより引用)
Takanori Imai, a first-year master’s student from our group, was selected as an RA for World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program (Co-designing Future Society)
“In this program, we describe the ideal future, sometimes we lead ourselves to achieve it, and sometimes we draw on the strengths of our outstanding leaders in each field, seeking a co-creation with stakeholders to realize innovation, train highly knowledgeable professional personnel who can realize implementation to the society.” (excerpted from the WINGS CFS website).
Research Project Title: “Realization of Three-Dimensional Perfect Transparency Technology under Road Surfaces and Land-Scale Mapping”
Research Description: Infrastructure in developed countries is rapidly aging, and there is a need to extend service life and reduce maintenance costs through preventive maintenance. In this research, focusing mainly on road bridge sections, we will develop a technology to analyze weak reflected waves acquired by vehicle-mounted ground-penetrating radar in fully automated and real-time using analytical digital signal processing, and to reconstruct high-resolution information on rebar mesh, cover thickness, and damage distribution in three dimensions.
In the S Semester 2022, we focused on the structural information acquisition part of the overall research project and succeeded in reproduction of rebar mesh arrangement inside concrete bridge deck from ground penetrating radar volume images by 3D DFT. Attending the lectures and poster presentations of WINGS-CFS deepened my understanding of co-designing future society and provided feedback for my research. I will continue to share our values with leading researchers in a wide range of fields through lectures and events specific to WINGS-CFS, while focusing on solving problems that can truly contribute to civil engineering field.