三次元点群データを高度に信号処理することでインフラ表面のうき,剥離状の損傷を高精度に定量評価する技術についてまとめた,水谷准教授・山口研究員・工藤君(元卒論生)らの以下の論文が本年10月15日にElsevierのAutomation in Construction (Impact Factor: 10.517(2021年現在))に受理されました.
The following paper written by Associate Professor Mizutani, Project Researcher Yamaguchi, Mr. Kudo ( a graduate in our lab) et al., was accepted in Elsevier’s Automation in Construction (Impact Factor: 10.517(as of 2021)).
- Tsukasa Mizutani, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Tomoshi Kudo, Kazutomo Yamamoto, Tetsuya Ishida, Yoshifumi Nagata, Hinari Kawamura, Tomoaki Tokuno, Kiyoshi Suzuki, and Yuya Yamaguchi, “Quantitative Evaluation of Peeling and Delamination on Infrastructure Surfaces by Laser Signal and Image Processing of 3D Point Cloud Data,” Automation in Construction (Elsevier), 2021. (accepted (Oct. 15, 2021))
【2021/10/18現在】現在出版手続きに入っており,論文が公開され次第追加で報告します.As of October 18, 2021, the paper is now in the process of publication, and additional announces will be made as soon as it is available.
【2021/12/2更新】Automation in Constructionのジャーナルがオープンアクセスで公開されました(リンク). The paper is now available with open access at this link (as of December 2, 2021)