D2 Students Abhishek REGMI and Shunsuke IWAI Receive Gold and Silver Awards for ‘Best Paper Presenter’ in International Symposium on One Health One World
博士2年Abhishek REGMIさんと岩井駿介さんがOne Health One World国際会議で’Best Paper Presenter’金賞・銀賞を受賞

Mizutani Lab. | IIS, the Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学 生産技術研究所 水谷研究室
Creating a better future with signal processing.
D2 Students Abhishek REGMI and Shunsuke IWAI Receive Gold and Silver Awards for ‘Best Paper Presenter’ in International Symposium on One Health One World
博士2年Abhishek REGMIさんと岩井駿介さんがOne Health One World国際会議で’Best Paper Presenter’金賞・銀賞を受賞