博士2年CHENさんはポスター発表, 博士1年今井さんは口頭発表, 水谷准教授はチェアマンでギリシャアテネで開催のIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)に参加してました

Second-year PhD student Chen presented a poster, first-year PhD student Imai gave an oral presentation, and Associate Professor Mizutani served as a chairman at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in Athens, Greece.

  • Jingzi Chen, Tsukasa Mizutani, “Detecting Underground Pipes and Void Models by GPR 3D Scanner with Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation,” Session FRPA.PA: Ground Penetrating Radar (Poster), Location: Area 4 (Trianti Balcony) in Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Presentation Time: Fri, 12 Jul, 10:40 – 11:40, Athens, Greece. (LINK)
  • Takanori Imai, Tsukasa Mizutani, “Interpolation of Low-Sampling Interval Ground Penetrating Radar Images by F-k Domain Convolutional Neural Networks,” Session TH2.R14: Sub-surface sensing in Methods and Applications II (Oral) , Location: Banqueting Hall in Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Presentation Time: Thu, 11 Jul, 12:22 – 12:36, Athens, Greece. (LINK)