水谷准教授, 博士2年CHENさん,水谷研修士修了四元さんの論文が Measurement (Elsevier) (IF: 5.6, Cite Score: 9.0)に掲載されました.

Assoc. Prof. MIZUTANI, D2 Student CHEN, and Master’s Graduate Yotsumoto’s Paper was Published by Measurement (Elsevier) (IF: 5.6, Cite Score: 9.0).

T. Mizutani, J. Chen, and S. Yotsumoto, “The 3D Localization of Subsurface Pipes From Ground Penetrating Radar Images Using Edge Detection and Point Cloud Segmentation,” Measurement (Elsevier), Vol.236, Paper No.115102, pp.1-10, 2024. (Impact Factor: 5.6, Cite Score: 9.0) (DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115102) (Open Access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263224124009874)