内閣府第三期戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)「スマートインフラマネジメントシステムの構築」(プログラムディレクター:東北大学 久田真 教授),サブ課題B「先進的なインフラメンテナンスサイクルの構築(研究開発責任者:東京大学 石田哲也 教授)」内において,以下の研究題目で主たる共同研究者として水谷司准教授が本プロジェクトに参画することになりました.
- 研究テーマ:「車載型地中レーダー・ LiDAR統合解析による大規模道路インフラ内部の高速三次元可視化」
- 主たる共同研究者:東京大学 生産技術研究所 水谷司 准教授
In the third phase of the Cabinet Office’s Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), “Development of a Smart Infrastructure Management System” under the direction of Professor Hisada of Tohoku University, a sub-project titled “Building Advanced Infrastructure Maintenance Cycles,” led by Professor Ishida of the University of Tokyo, will now include Associate Professor Mizutani of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo as a principal co-researcher.
- Research Theme: “High-Speed 3D Visualization of Large-Scale Road Infrastructure Using Integrated Analysis of Vehicle-Mounted Ground Penetrating Radar and LiDAR”
- Principal Co-Researcher: Associate Professor Tsukasa MIZUTANI of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Below is an overview of the SIP (excerpted from this link)
The Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) is a national project initiated by the Cabinet Office’s Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation. It transcends traditional ministerial boundaries and fields, fostering scientific and technological innovations through a comprehensive management approach. From fiscal year 2023 (Reiwa 5), in its third phase, the program tackles 14 projects, addressing societal needs vital to the nation and leading global challenges that contribute to the revitalization of the Japanese economy. The program promotes research and development from basic studies to practical application and commercialization, ensuring a seamless process under the leadership of dedicated Program Directors (PDs), in collaboration with academia, industry, and government.

The structure of the research theme “Development of a Smart Infrastructure Management System”