修士課程学生のManazir Hussainさんが研究室メンバーに加わりました.
Master Student Manazir Hussain Joins Mizutani Lab.
Manazir HUSSAIN belongs to Gilgit, Northern Area of Pakistan. He graduated from Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology Karachi Pakistan in 2019. He was working as Structural Engineer from 2019 to 2022 in Karachi Pakistan.
Currently, he is a Master’s student, and ADB Scholar (Asian Development Bank Scholar) at the University of Tokyo under the supervision of respectable Associate Professor Tsukasa MIZUTANI. His current research is about 3D Point Cloud Data Analysis.
In addition, he has been elected as President of PSAJ(Pakistan Student Association Japan) to lead the association for student affairs in Japan. He is also a member of the ISACE Committee (International students association Civil Engineering at the university of Tokyo).