The ADB–Japan Scholarship Program (ADB–JSP) enrolls about 300 students annually in academic institutions located in 9 countries within the Region. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
As a recipient of this scholarship, Rain Man Raja was a master’s student from October 2020 to September 2022 at the Mizutani Laboratory of the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, where he conducted research on automatic detection and depth estimation of buried pipes from ground penetrating radar data.
His master’s thesis (Title: FDTD Simulation of Hyperbolic Reflection Patterns around Subsurface Pipes Measured by Ground Penetrating Radar and Accurate Estimation of Depth) was highly evaluated by ADB and he received the ADB-JSP Scholarship Program Thesis of the Year Award 2023 (Cluster Award for Infrastructure).
本奨学金の奨学生としてRain Man Rajaさんは東京大学生産技術研究所水谷研究室に2020年10月から2022年9月まで修士学生として所属し,地中レーダーデータから埋設管を自動で検出し深度推定する研究をしていました.
この度彼の修士論文(タイトル:FDTD Simulation of Hyperbolic Reflection Patterns around Subsurface Pipes Measured by Ground Penetrating Radar and Accurate Estimation of Depth)の高い成果がADBに認められ,ADB-JSP Scholarship Program Thesis of the Year Award 2023 (Cluster Award for Infrastructure)を受賞しました.