3月10日,タイ王国の道路管理を行う国営企業であるExpressway Authority of Thailand(EXAT)から「戦略・計画担当副総裁」「維持管理部長」などの重役を含む12名とエンジニア5名、合計17名の使節が東京大学生産技術研究所の水谷研究室を訪問しました。


On March 10, a total of 17 delegates, including 12 executives such as Deputy Governor for Strategy and Planning and Director of Maintenance Department and 5 engineers from Expressway Authority of Thailand, EXAT, a state-owned company that manages roads in the Kingdom of Thailand, visited the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.

Mizutani Laboratory held a seminar on the maintenance and management of infrastructure structures using sensing technology and gave a technical presentation on the applicability of the latest technology in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Lectures in Mizutani Lab.
Group Photo with Mizutani Lab., Takeuchi lab. and Delegates from Thailand